上海交大暑期邀请著名美籍华裔理论物理学家 徐一鸿(Anthony Zee)教授讲量子场论。

Anthony Zee

Quantum Field Theory in NutshellFearful Symmetry

上海交大暑期邀请著名美籍华裔理论物理学家 徐一鸿(Anthony Zee)教授讲量子场论。共8节大课,每周2节,共4周。欢迎想要学习量子场论的老师和同学参加讲座,需要较好的高等量子力学预备知识。外校人员请自行安排食宿。

徐一鸿教授目前就职于凯维里理论物理研究所(Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics)和加州大学圣芭芭拉分校(University of California, Santa Barbara)物理系。

徐一鸿教授著有“Quantum Field Theory in Nutshell”(果壳中的量子场论)、“Einstein Gravity in a Nutshell”(果壳中的爱因斯坦引力)以及科普著作“Fearful Symmetry”(可怕的对称,有中译本)、“An Old Man’s Toy”(老人的玩具,有中译本)等。


Quantum Field Theory in Nutshell:Starting


星期二 第3节-第4节(10:00-11:45)
星期四 第3节-第4节(10:00-11:45)


This is an introduction course on quantum field theory. Quantum field theory is a particularly essential tool when studying quantum mechanics in a relativistic context; it is the central framework that particle physics is built around. But it has also found applications in other contexts, including condensed matter physics and gravitational physics, even in biology. (Our modern understanding of cosmology, for instance, relies crucially on quantum field theory.) Although we will mostly study applications to particle physics in this class, the topic should be interesting and useful for all physics related students.

(章节对应“Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell”)

Lecture 1: Who needs QFT? Path integral, from field to force.
Lecture 2: chapters I.5-6, I.7
Lecture 3: chapters I.7-I.9
Lecture 4: chapters I.10, II.1
Lecture 5: chapters II.2-5
Lecture 6: chapters II.6-7
Lecture 7: chapters III.1-3
Lecture 8: chapters IV.1, IV.6


Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell: (Second Edition) A. Zee, Princeton University Press (国内有英文影印版)
